Over the last few weeks, we've been writing in this space about the upcoming retooling/reauthorizing of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and its main component NCLB. Last week, Senator Harkin's proposal was released and the details have become more clear. From Education Votes, the bill will:
- Still rely heavily on test scores instead of supporting true multiple measures of school performance;
- Prescribes top-down models of school turnarounds that are not based on research, don’t work, and
- ignore promising locally developed ideas; and
- Takes away teachers’ rights to have a real voice in their own evaluation systems
Last week, leaders of the NEA, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National School Boards Association, American Association of School Administrators and the National Association of Secondary School Principals wrote to the Senator, urging that Congress slow down and allow for greater stakeholder input on these measures and to allow for the rightful local development and control of these issues.
To that end, we need you to take action! Take a few minutes and click on this link to contact your Senators and urge them to do what's right and slow down on reauthorizing ESEA!
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