Late yesterday, word came that calls from various groups and emails from NEA members helped spur a change to the proposals around teacher evaluations in Senator Harkin's ESEA re-authorization bill. The new changes restore local control on designing and implementing teacher evaluation systems. Those school systems that receive Teacher Incentive Fund (TIFF) grants would have to accept the federal rules for evaluation. While there is still concern abut the turn-around programs contained in the bill, NEA President Dennis Van Roekel said:
“We also remain committed to advocating that school accountability systems contain true multiple measures of performance and embrace promising, locally-developed ideas to turn around struggling schools and allow educators to have a real voice in reform. We look forward to continuing these discussions with Senators Harkin, Enzi and the members of the committee as the legislation moves forward.”
You can read his statement here. You can also get a breakdown of the bill at Education Week. The bill is scheduled for mark-up later in the week and looks like it will make it out of committee and to the Senate floor.
“We also remain committed to advocating that school accountability systems contain true multiple measures of performance and embrace promising, locally-developed ideas to turn around struggling schools and allow educators to have a real voice in reform. We look forward to continuing these discussions with Senators Harkin, Enzi and the members of the committee as the legislation moves forward.”
You can read his statement here. You can also get a breakdown of the bill at Education Week. The bill is scheduled for mark-up later in the week and looks like it will make it out of committee and to the Senate floor.
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