Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Take Action to Prevent State Budget Cuts to Education

Last month, the clock ran out on the Maryland state legislative session without final action on the state budget for next year. The result was a “doomsday budget” that would cut $500 million statewide, of which more than $260 million would be cuts in education spending. Montgomery County Public Schools alone would lose $41 million. The cuts in higher ed funding would force significant increases in tuition at the University of Maryland and all other state colleges.

Some people across the state have said these cuts are preferable to having the legislature complete action on the budget, and on the revenue package needed to maintain education funding. Even here in Montgomery County, there are members of the County Council who have spoken out against the re-convening of the state legislature to complete the budget, saying they prefer the “doomsday budget” and its education cuts.

Thankfully, the Governor disagrees. The Governor has called the state legislature back into a “special session” on May 14th to finish work on the state budget and – hopefully – avoid the “doomsday” budget cuts. But final action by the legislature is far from certain. That’s where you come it.

We are asking the 22,000+ employees of MCPS to contact their state senators and delegates to urge them to preserve funding for education by completing action on the state budget now; and to prevent the damaging cuts that will be caused by the “doomsday budget”. They need to hear that further cuts to education are not an acceptable option.

To send emails or letters to your state senators and state delegates, go to:  http:// capwiz.com/nea/md/issues/alert/?alertid=61180511  

We want to convey the following to our elected state representatives:

1.  The “doomsday budget” would impose damaging cutbacks on our schools and our students

2.  We urge them to protect funding for GCEI (the Geographic Cost of Education Index – that sends additional state education aid to high cost jurisdictions like Montgomery County.

3.  We urge them to pass the proposed revenue package, that raises taxes on higher income families more than on working families and the poor

The most effective emails contain personal stories. Tell elected officials how school funding cuts have affected your school and your students.

To send emails or letters to your state senators and state delegates, go to:  http:// capwiz.com/nea/md/issues/alert/?alertid=61180511

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