Friday, June 15, 2012

BOE passes FY2013 Budget

     Last night the Board of Education officially passed the budget for next school year.  The budget, which falls within the minimum amount of county funding allowed under state's Maintenance of Effort funding law was passed 4-1, with Laura Berthiaume (Dist. 2) casting the lone vote in opposition.  

     Board Member Michael Durso was absent and Board Member Phil Kauffman recused himself from the vote on the MCEA contract because his wife is a teacher and a member of the MCEA bargaining unit. Not only did Mr. Kauffman vote in favor of the other two contracts, he spoke up in support of all three agreements.  In fact, when Ms. Berthiume incorrectly asserted that MCPS employees were getting increases when federal employees were not, it was Mr. Kauffman who corrected this misrepresentation and pointed out that federal employees have actually gotten step increases for the past two years when MCPS employees have had their salaries frozen.

     With this contract, members eligible for a step increase as of July 1 will receive their 2012-13 step. In May 2013, the first make-up step (for the step missed in school year 10-11) will be instituted. Those at the top of the scale who do not receive a step, will receive a 2% increase in their base pay, also effective July 1 2012.

You can read about the proceedings here:

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