Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stop The Shift - news round-up

There has been a lot of media attention focusing on the Governor's proposal to shift a portion of the cost of teacher pensions on to the counties. As we've noted before, this would be disastrous to the MCPS budget and the county budget as well.

Here are recently published letters to the editor of The Gazette:

The first is from Doug Prouty president of the Montgomery County Education Association and Gino Renne, president of UFCW Local 1994, MCGEO  Association.
The second is from Roger Berliner president of the Montgomery County Council and Andrea Harrison, chairwoman of the Prince George’s County Council.
In Frederick County, FCTA president Gary Brennan and Frederick County's Commissioners held a joint press conference to protest the pension shift scheme.
You can also watch MCEA Executive Director Tom Israel speak before the County Council about the need to prevent this shift:

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