Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Save Our State looks to save social services

Save Our State a coalition of  progressive and community groups have organized community conversations that are focusing the state budget debate away from more cuts and towards a more balanced approach for our future.

Save Our State is encouraging lawmakers to find ways to enhance revenues while protecting the working and middle class of Maryland. Possibilities include closing corporate tax loopholes and raising the income tax rate on high wage earners (over $1million). Over the last five years, $7 billion has been cut from the state budget. While that affects everyone, it hits the working and middle class the hardest. 

Please share and visit for more information about upcoming events and to send a message to legislators about the importance of seeking a balanced approach to address the state’s budget woes while also protecting critical funding priorities. You can use this link to contact your legislators. 

There will be an event in MoCo:
January 5, Thomas Farm Community Center, 700 Fallsgrove Drive, Rockville, MD, 6:00 p.m.−8:00 p.m.

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