Thursday, November 03, 2011

Do you think you're overpaid?

The Heritage Foundation presented a study this week in which they make the argument that teachers are paid too much.

You read that correctly. They argue that in comparison to private sector workers teachers are over paid.
They believe that local governments who are struggling with their budgets should start looking at reducing teacher salary and benefits.They make the same tired arguments about summers and holidays off. They argue that the job security of teaching adds to the value of the compensation package. Tell that to the over 200,000 education professionals who have lost their jobs over the last three years.

There have been many studies that show that teachers make less than their private sector peers. You can view a breakdown of them here. What the Heritage Foundation folks openly ignore is that many teachers take on jobs inside and outside of the schoolhouse to make extra money to make ends meet. They ignore the hours put in at home after work and on weekends. They ignore the work that is done by teachers on their holidays and summer lay-offs.They say that the data is not quantifiable. Here is a nice accounting of how that data is something that can be crunched.

Nobody is banging down the doors of school system human resource offices to apply for teaching positions. Prior to the recession and this period of ballooning class sizes, most districts were clamoring to find teachers. If the job was more about the money than the passion and dedication to teach and engage our youth, why do 50% of teachers leave within five years? Surely being overpaid would be enough to keep them around...

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