Monday, September 28, 2009

k-12 Math workgroup update

The K-12 Math workgroup is continuing its work. The timeline calls for continued meetings through the spring with preliminary recommendations to be issued in December and a preliminary comprehensive plan by the end of March. A part of this plan will be an ideal state for the math program involving curriculum, assessment, instructional practices, teacher preparation and development, and acceleration practices. These topics are the work of sub-groups. The sub-groups are conducting research involving academic articles, policy documents and the practices of school systems around the nation and the world. Three guest speakers have addressed the group- Dr. Skip Fennell from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Mr. Steven Leinwand of the American Institutes for Research, and Dr. James Hiebert from the Univeristy of Delaware. MCEA members sit on each of the sub-groups. The workgroup will continue to gather data from staff, students, and the community. You can access more info at

What are your ideas to improve math in MCPS? Please post a comment below.

Doug Prouty, MCEA President

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