Thursday, August 27, 2009

MCEA Promotes School Leadership Team Training

Earlier this week, MCEA Board members met with members of the MCPS Executive Leadership Team. (This group - the "MCEA/MCPS Labor Management Collaboration Committee", or LMCC - meets once a month). One of the topics discussed was the School Leadership Teams Institute (SLTI).
The SLTI was created in 2004 as a joint project of MCEA, MCPS and MCAAP (the principals' union). Everyone recognized the importance of school leadership teams in determining both the work climate, and academic success of schools. The SLTI was jointly designed to help local school leadership teams increase their effectiveness. SLTI workshops focus on decision-making, problem-solving, and effective team operations and communcations.
Earlier this month, all principals received a memo about the SLTI offerings for the coming year. Schools have until 9/10 to share the information with their leadership teams and apply for the upcoming workshops.
MCEA strongly encourages schools to take advantage of the SLTI workshop opportunities. Click here to read the memo describing the upcoming workshops and how to apply.

Tom Israel, MCEA Executive Director.

Monday, August 24, 2009

FY11 Budget Process Begins

Last week (8/18) the process of developing the MCPS operating budget for next year (10-11) took another step forward. It seems like a long way away, but in fact MCPS departments have already begun working on their proposed budgets for the 2010-2011 school year.
As has been true in the last several years, the presidents and executive directors of the three MCPS unions (MCEA, SEIU and MCAAP) serve on the Superintendent's Budget Committee, along with two leaders from the PTA and the Deputy Superintendent (Frieda Lacey) the Chief Operating Officer (Larry Bowers). This group is charged with developing a proposed operating budget which the Superintendent then reviews and submits to the Board of Education. Very few school districts involve the unions (or the PTA) in this process.
Unfortunately, the continuing economic recession means we are likely to face additional budget reductions. Between now and late November, every department in MCPS will submit a proposed budget - including proposed cuts. All offices have been directed to identify 5% budget cuts. All school based budgets are to identify 2% reductions. The Budget Committee will review all the proposed cuts - and expenditures - and will eventually agree on a package to recommend to the Superintendent.
This is not an easy process. No one involved wants to see budget cuts that hurt staff or students. Our challenge is to identify ways to save money that do the least damage.
MCEA encourages our members to submit their ideas. How can we reduce spending in MCPS with minimum impact on staff and students? Submit your ideas in comments to this posting. If we are to protect those things that matter most, we've got to identify how to reduce costs in other ways.

Tom Israel, MCEA Executive Director.

Time and Workload workgroup

The MCEA/MCPS joint Time and Workload workgroup met again last Tuesday, August 18th. We revised the interests we had generated previously and planned our next three meetings. T he bulk of that work will be to review the options we have received from a number of sources, including the CTL's, the RA, and the Discussion Room. We will continue to generate options, which will result in a set of recommendations to the Bargaining Team. Please post comments below with your ideas on tasks, duties, and responsibilities that do not contribute to the instructional program.

Doug Prouty
MCEA President

Welcome to the MCEA leadership blog

Welcome to the new MCEA leadership blog. The officers and executive director of MCEA will use this blog to update members on our work and raise important issues in public education. We hope that this blog will help to start thoughtful discussions that can happen on this blog and at the Representative Assembly, our monthly town hall meetings, and informally at schools and worksites around the county. The goal is to keep the blog current with new postings several times each week.